Yet Another Day in Sylva

Here’s a quick update on today before I go to bed for the night in my home for the next few weeks.

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It has been much cooler today (only 16C) and very wet. I am sure that nearly two inches of rain has fallen here in the last twenty four hours.

I called the hospital this morning when I first woke and was quite concerned when they told me that Jill was very agitated. I drove down there without having breakfast to see what was happening. Fortunately, one of the Mc Coy sisters was visiting her mum and had brought me a coffee and a donut. (People here are really being kind to me. One of the nurses actually paid for my lunch in the cafeteria today).

Jill was indeed very agitated – rolling around in the bed and moaning / groaning. I had a conference with the nursing supervisor and the ICU doctor and we agreed that her condition was a result of both pain and her reaction to the drugs that they had used for pain relief. She has never handled opioid drugs well and we think that she was suffering from some sort of post anaesthesia delirium. The doctor decided to change the medication away from morphine and the other opioid type of drugs to see if some alternatives would make her feel better.

I stayed with her all day and felt like I was involved in a wrestling match as she thrashed around the bed and tried to rip off all her hospital gown, wires and tubes. As the nurse said, “She is in a state of continuous squirm”. It’s going to take a few days for those drugs to flush out of her system but even by tonight, she was already much better.

Over the day, she began to look around and to talk for the first time. In fact her first words were ‘Stop It” while I was rubbing her shoulder. Later on she began to complain and kept telling me that she wanted to go home. By tonight she was much more sensible and able to ask and answer questions. She has no idea where she is and why.  She told me that she wasn’t in pain (which is excellent) but she just can’t find a comfortable position in which to lie. 

At least she is more comfortable than in this photo when she was first came out of surgery and was intubated.

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I was invited to a community dinner at the Baptist church tonight and I was engulfed by friendly snd supportive people. A good number plan to call on Jill once she is out of the ICU. The Pastor came to visit Jill today but it was right in the middle of the time that we were having a wrestling match. He says that he plans to come tomorrow as well.

I have one more document to get to the travel insurance company and then I’m off to bed.

5 thoughts on “Yet Another Day in Sylva

  1. Very distressing to hear about Jill…thank God you seem to be surrounded by wonderful folks indeed. Take care and strength from your friends every where. Donald

  2. Oh Bruce, the photo of Jill brought back many memories of my Mum. you must remember that each day is a better day when progress is made. For this to happen is every traveler’s nightmare but Had it happened in a “big” city I don’t think you would have had the support from the Community you are getting. I think you would from the staff but small towns rally. “Mr Pt Macquarie” send his best wishes. Take care

  3. We’re thinking of you. I remember what a great support you all were when Simon was so ill. It really does make a huge difference. It’s wonderful you have kind and friendly people around you.
    Please give Jill our special love. We hope that now with the change of medication she’ll keep improving day by day.

  4. What an emotionally and physically demanding day for you Bruce. Thankfully Jill won’t remember it. Fingers crossed that the new drug regime provides a greater peace for Jill.
    Your new ‘home’ appears to be adequate for your needs. Hope the bed supports your back well.
    Isn’t it so restoring to receive such unexpected kindnesses from virtual strangers?! I am thrilled for you that the local community is somewhat supporting you through this terrible experience of worry and isolation. Several people who were mothers of children at TVPS in the same year as David and Kirstin have sent caring wishes to both you and Jill. All have expressed significant concern and support for you.
    Thank you for keeping us up to date with progress for Jill and your difficult path. It helps shorten the distance a little.
    Hoping that the new day Jill has more signs of improvement however small. Love Pamela.

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