The End Of Our Trip to Iceland

It was a short three-hour drive back to Reykjavik today

Breakfast at our little hotel at Stykkishólmu consisted of cheese, hard boiled egg and smoked salmon along with a bowl of scrambled egg. There was also some cereal and yoghurt and the coffee was thick and heavy.

Shortly after we left, we saw some other cars stopped at a view point and decided to check out what they were all looking at. We found quite a dramatic view across a lake and fjords.


Further down the road, we crossed a lava flow and saw this mountain that was obviously an old volcano. Some of its side had been blown out and is caldera was very obvious.


We arrived back in Reykjavik at lunch time, found a three hour car parking place and then walked a few blocks top to the main shopping street. It was much less congested than when we were here two weeks ago as there wasn’t a cruise ship in port today. We returned to a kittle cafe that we had found earlier and had a toasted sandwich for lunch.

I was very happy to find a good camera shop further up the road. I had bought my little travel tripod but I had forgotten to bring the quick release plate that screws into bottom off my camera and attaches it to the tripod. Fortunately this shop sold the same brand of tripod and had one of the parts that I needed. Perhaps I can now take some more creative long exposures on the next part of our trip.

We were reminded of some of the quaint old houses in the old area of town and even though it was raining, we did a little exploring to see some others.

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Tonight, we are staying at a hotel near Iceland’s international airport. It is located about 50 kms from Reykjavik and is situated in the middle of a lava field. As I look out our bedroom window, I can see jagged rocky ground as far as the eye can see.. Behind the hotel is one of the thermal power stations that supplies power to the surrounding area.

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Tomorrow we have a continuously moving schedule. We need to be up and out of the hotel by 7.30 am so that we can drive to the airport and catch a 10:00 am fight back  to London. That will take a little over three hours. We have a few hours  to kill at Heathrow before picking up another three-hour flight to Oslo. With differences in local time zones , we should arrive there at around 8:00 pm. From the airport, we take a train into the city and stay overnight near the station before catching an early morning train to Bergen on Thursday.

6 thoughts on “The End Of Our Trip to Iceland

  1. Iceland has been wonderful, looking forward now to Norway. Travel safely

  2. OMG Bruce . I get exhausted just reading your info. But the sound of the breakfast was just great. I’d be happy to put up with that.
    Look fwd to seeing you soon…travel wishes, DnJ

  3. Iceland appears to have provided pleasant and rewarding experiences. Great find for your photographic extras!
    What a long journey in terms of time to your next destination. Safe travel .

  4. Such different scenery from our viewpoint. Your travel to Norway sounds rather arduous, but should be compensated by time in airport lounges, I hope.
    Will you try some whale meat in Bergen????

  5. Hi Bruce and Jill
    We’ve enjoyed the trip around Iceland.
    Great views with falls, mts and remote scenery
    Thanks for the description
    Best wishes for the trip to Norway. We’re looking forward to the report and photos
    Rob n Mary

  6. We’ve enjoyed the magical photos of your time in Iceland and hearing about the places you visited. Now for Norway!
    We’re pretty horrified at the food and grog prices. We plan to visit next year. We may be eating bread and cheese for lunch and dinner and become teetotallers!

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