For the last four, or five days, we have been travelling along the Danube River. The first thing to tell you, is that it is not blue, if ever it was.
We are now docked in Budapast, the capital of Hungary. The river here is about 300 metres wide and flowing quie fast on its journey to the Black Sea.
Every minute, another different type of boat passes by:
- Large barges which are pushed by enormous tugs
- Old soviet style hydrofoils.
- Young ‘hoons’ in speedboats with music still able to be heard above the high revving engine.
- Palatial river cruise boats like ours – 130 metres long, three decks and a top sun deck.
Yesterday, while travelling from Bratislava, we passed through one of the largest locks that we have seen on the river. The water level through the lock dropped by 20 metres. We shared our descent with a decrpit Romanian barg and a hydrofoil.