More Good News About Jill

It’s Monday morning here in Sylva and quite cold. It’s going to be a clear sunny day with a temperature of 12C but at the moment it’s -1C. I’m still resident in the Holiday Inn Hotel. The beautiful autumn colours have gone and the trees are bare. The heavy rain last week knocked all the leaves off the trees.


On Friday night, Jill was moved out of ICU and into a ward (or room as they call it here). She has a long scar right down her belly that is closed with staples. She hasn’t any pain and has good colour back in her face. She had a little redness from an infection around the bottom of her scar (below her navel) but this has cleared up with antibiotics. I think that she is now well out of the woods. The surgeon told me yesterday that she had to remove about a litre of stomach contents that had escaped into her abdomen from the ulcerated duodenum, so she was very sick. Jill can cross from the reclining chair in her room to a commode chair but doesn’t have the strength to get to the bathroom or shower yet.

The best news that I had yesterday was that the travel insurance company (American Express) has approved our claim and will now be managing her rehabilitation and return home. I am exceptionally grateful and pleased to hear this news. Under the American health system, we would have had to pay for everything. I have had people tell me that the cost of being in ICU here can be up to $A25,000 per day and Jill was there for six days. On top of that would be the costs of the emergency doctor, operating theatre, surgeons, anaesthetist, scans, medication etc. As well as  this are the costs of my hotel and rental car.

The medical staff expect Jill to require some Rehab before being well enough to come home and they will sort that out with the insurance company. I will find out sometime during the next few days what the next steps will be. The final thing will be to get some certification that Jill is fit to travel and to find some way of repatriating her back home. She is  in no way well enough to continue with any more travel.

6 thoughts on “More Good News About Jill

  1. I guess the insurance company will arrange travel when Jill is signed off for travel. Don’t let them push you if it’s possible, now they’ve accepted it all, maybe they’re now the “ boss of you”. Take care and keep up the good work Jill 😄💕💕

  2. So pleased to hear some continuing good news Bruce, particularly about Jill, but it’s obviously great that insurance will cover those costs. Thinking of you both, & looking forward to continuing improvement.

  3. Heart warming news about Jill. A large relief about the insurers accepting your claim. I hope that they do not provide any additional difficulties for you. Think of you every day.

  4. Wonderful news about Jill! The insurance news is an added bonus! We’re thinking of you both. Love and prayers. xxoo

  5. All good positive stuff , thank The Lord. J ust let Jill get her strength back–will be a slow process–and Amex will be directing everything else to get you both home safely. Take every care, L and BW, Donald and Jo.

  6. G’day Bruce,

    Glad that insurance hurdle has been cleared .

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Jill ..

    John Wriedt .

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