Our kids introduced us to a very creative way of supporting poor people in third world countries through microlending via the Internet.
As a result, we are now international financiers (in a very small way – athough it only takes a small amount to make a big difference). We have provided a portfolio of loans (from $25 upwards) to local entrepreneurs in developing countries and we plan to add more funding over time.
Here are the people whom we curently fund.
We like this approach because it is a way of helping the poor. It is also a very creative use of internet technology, and Kiva is a reputable orgnisation.
President Bill Clinton talks about Kiva
Perhaps you could click on this link below and explore the potential of becoming an international financier yourself!
I’ve made a few loans on Kiva as well, Living some years in the developing world myself, it’s good to see organizations helping individuals tap in to the creative poential that they already have within.
I like your website.