Lunch in Cuzco

It’s Sunday and I’m having lunch in a little restaurant overlooking the main square of Cuzco. Jill has a headache and she has decided to stay at the hotel for while. It’s a lovely sunny day and lots of people are out enjoying the day. Here’s the view from the balcony.


Bruce is a keen traveller and photographer. This web site describes his travel and family interests

3 thoughts on “Lunch in Cuzco

  1. WOW WOW and more WOW. Hope Jill’s headahe doesn;t last too long. Glad it’s all going well and that the bags arrived evetually. I’m enjoying the trip too 🙂 safe travelling as always. ‘Trina

  2. Dear Bruce
    Great to read the trip details. Some experiencs remind me of SAPA with the hill people etc
    Photos really add to the story so keep going.
    Hope Jill recovers….maybe altitude sickness????

  3. hi guys, hope Jill feels better soon; will follow progress,
    cheers John b

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