It’s rather hard to type when sitting in the rear seat of a Landcruiser as we travel to our second destination at Lake Nakuru. We didn’t have any Internet connection at Samburu but now that we are back on main road I can get a connection through the sim card In bought in Nairobi.
Our car has four rows of seats. Charles is driving, David and Barb are in the second row, John is just in from of me (and working on some photos on his computer) and I’m in the middle seat at the back where I can stretch my legs down them aisle.
Last night was our last game drove at Samburu. We started out heading to the game reserve on the other side of the river and first saw a herd of elephant. We were able to get right up close! Further on we saw some large herds of giraffe. They were all males and seemed to be practicing a method of fighting in which they would swing their heads at their opponent’s neck so that they hit them with their horns. A good blow could well make their opponent topple over.
At one point there was a mad flurry of conversation on the radio in Swahili and Charles told us to hold on as headed quickly back over the river to the national park and along a number of dusty tracks. Some one had found a lion and we were on our way for a look.
On the way, we stopped for a hurried look at an ostrich which was grazing 50 metres from the track, but I hope that we see more along the way and that I can get some better photos.
Eventually, we came across the sign of a major animal films – a circle of vehicles with people standing out the roof with cameras poised. There in the middle was a lioness with a very small cub. We managed to get in a few photos before she moved away, but We were able to head along a track and get a few more shots of her from the front. Eventually, she found a rocky outcrop and lay down to deed her cub. We shot off a lot more photos as it started to get dark.
On our way back to the lodge, we were alerted to another find and discovered a leopard high up in a tree. It was very hard to photograph as we were looking right into the setting sun. I need to do some work on these photos to make them anything worth looking at.
We arrived back at the lodge in the dark and just had time for a quick shower before dinner. Then it was time to pack and get ready for an early start this morning.
That looks like a very new cub with the lioness. What preciuos moments you have captured in your photos. Domyou feel you are learning a lot with your photography?
Your photos leave me speechless.