It has suddenly become much colder here. On Thursday in Munich, it snowed all day – just enough to make the gardens and rooftops look white, but not enough to settle on the footpaths and roads. We were very glad that we had chosen that day to visit the BMW factory and be out of the weather.
Yesterday, our last day here in Munich, the maximum temperature was 1C and overnight it dropped to -4C. At the moment (Saturday morning at 10.am) it is only -2C. The skies are quite clear and fortunately, there is little wind. It is just like being in a large refrigerator. We spent most of yesterday wandering around to have another look at the Advent Markets, but we needed, at one stage to retreat to a cafe for a warm drink and some heated air. This seems to be a predominantly Catholic area of Germany. We had a look at three of the larger churches in this city and all of them were grand and ornate. It is quite amazing to sometimes find what lies behind a very plain exterior!
We stepped out the door last night to check on the weather and to see what it felt like to be below 0C. I took this photo of the Christmas lights around the driveway of the hotel.
Today, we fly to London where it appears that the temperatures are a few degrees warmer at 5C. It might be as if we are heading to the tropics!
Have lived the posts to date, glad it snowed for you, that’s the whole point of chrsitmas, well Advent in Europe, it’s where the Christmas card pictures come from :). The time schedulers certainly have your name at the top oftheir list, whomdidnt you pay off?? 🙂
Safe travel xx