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Travel in Australia

Our Darwin Tour – A Retrospective

We have been home from Darwin for a day now and after catching up with things around the house, it’s time to look back on our trip and review our travels. I returned our rental car yesterday and its information screen gave me some interesting details. A direct road trip from Darwin to Melbourne via […]

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Travel in Australia

Back in Victoria

Our last day in Adelaide gave us a rest from driving. We did a little essential shopping where we caught up with a group of soldiers raising money for Legacy. The corporal in charge was an old timer in the Corps of Transport and we had a long chat about various units that I knew […]

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Northern Territory South Australia

Adelaide – Our First Large City and Rain

The distance between Coober Pedy and our next stop in Port Augusta was a little over 500 kms. You may ask what is there to see along the way? The answer is (apart from two roadhouses and an artificial town) absolutely nothing! The landscape changes slightly from open desert plains to grey saltbush. After a […]

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