Drenched at Iguazu Falls

We arrived at Iguazu on Tuesday after a two hour flight from Rio. Iguazu is approximately half way between Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aries and s at a point on the Iguazu River on the Border of Brazil and Argentina. The falls are one- of the top ten natural wonders of the world. Although they are a few metres lower in height than Victoria Falls, They are much longer in width. The main part of the falls (Devil’s Throat) is in Brazil and then a long wall of falls continuous along the Argentinean Side of the river.

We had`checked into our hotel by 2:00 pm and then immediately set off to see the falls. WE walked along a path at the top of the river valley and past a number of view points – each of which became more spectacular. It is hard to describe the grandeur of the falls and the river, so I hope-that my photos may do some pictorial justice to this incredible sight.

Along the track, we noticed hundreds of butterflies. We caught sight of a couple of Toucans and I was able to grab a photo of one of them. Our walk finished at the main tourist centre on the Brazilian side, where we caught a lift up a 50 metre tower for a view right across the main part of the falls.

From there, we had a short trip down to the river below the falls by bus and 4WD to the point where we took a boat up through the rapids and under some of the falls themselves. Twelve of us went at at time in zodiac type boats that were –po9wred  by large 200hp outboards. It was pretty exciting heading upstream through the pressure waves that were perhaps five or six feet in height. We noised in under one of the smaller falls and- were absolutely drenched. Being soaked isn’t anywhere near of a- description. The water just fell on us like a very heavy cascade. It was so strong, that it was impossible to keep my eyes open – the spray was stinging!

I have found that I have  real weakness with hats and boats. When we were cruising on the Bosphorous Strait in turkey, my much loved counterfeit Chinese Olympic Games cap which I bought in Hong Kong was blow off my head and today, it’s replacement (a Ferrari Cap from the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul) was blown away as well. With my increasingly bald pate, I need something to stop my head from getting sunburned, so it was off to the souvenir shop to buy another one. Perhaps I should avoid boats from now on!

Today, Wednesday, we crossed to the Argentinean side of the river and went for a walk along some of the tracks that gave us a view from the opposite side. It was just as spectacular, although this time we added some wildlife with an encounter of a family of Racoons, some soldier ants and some Vultures which were waiting for unsuspecting swifts catching insects in the updraft from the falls.

Right now, we are on a flight to Buenos Aries, where I hope that I have better luck in finding an Internet connection than I did at the very nice-, but non technical, colonial hotel by the falls.









Bruce is a keen traveller and photographer. This web site describes his travel and family interests

One thought on “Drenched at Iguazu Falls”

  1. Spectacular photos Bruce. I think you were very brave to go under those falls – hope it made up for some of the other shots you missed in Rio!!
    Love to both,

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