Well, I’ve reached the ripe old age of seventy. It was only a little while ago that I thought that it was inconceivable that I would reach the same age as the Beatles song ‘When I’m Sixty Four,’ but now I am even older. It’s a little consolation that according to my seven year old grand-daughter Violet, I’m not really old until I am one hundred!
I celebrated with family and friends with a wonderful lunch at the RACV Club at Healesville last weekend. Nice food and good company. My daughter Cathy was MC and both my son, David, and my long standing friend, Ken, took the Mickey out of me in their talks.
I enjoyed the day immensely.
Family – Children and Grand Children
Myself and cousin Ian
The next generations of Wilsons
Us, my brother and sister (along with in-laws)
Such a wonderful day Bruce,an honour to be included