Another Day in Sylva

Today has been a better day –  not good, but better. This is just a short post to update our friends of Jill’s progress.

Jill had her breathing tube removed this morning and I’m sure that she is a lot more comfortable. She looks a bit more like her old self. She is still doped up with pain killers and I think these are causing her to to still be very sleepy, unresponsive and groggy. Just a little progress for her today.

Personally, I had a much better day. I started with coffee with the local Baptist Pastor who is a lovely man. He has invited me to join in the church’s weekly community dinner tomorrow night (Wednesday).  

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I was back at the hospital by 10.30 am. I met some members of the McCoy Family. They were there in support of their mum who is 83 years old and had broken her hip. There are eight children in the family. When they found out that I was on my own, they just overwhelmed me with kindness. The first thing that they did was to give me their mother’s hospital lunch that she didn’t want to eat and then we exchanged phone numbers with a promise that they would invite me home over the weekend. Big brother gave me a big bear hug. What lovely people!

Otherwise, I did a little shopping, extended my hotel room by another two weeks and cancelled our flights out of Washington for next Saturday. I was back at the hospital before dinner and then had a nice meal (but far more than I could eat) at a nice restaurant in the Main Street called Lulus. 

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Finally, I had a quick walk around town to get some exercise. Pastor Jeff called me again to enquire about Jill’s progress and to reinforce his invitation to dinner tomorrow night.

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4 thoughts on “Another Day in Sylva

  1. Bruce, it sounds as though you arrived at a very welcoming town …. just goes to show that even though one maybe a ‘redneck’ when it comes to home town hospitality their true spirit shines through.
    Glad to hear that the breathing tube is out, that is certainly a step in the right direction.
    Thanks for mthe update

    Ken & Lorraine

  2. People are wonderful really. Every small bit of progress is a bit closer to getting home. Insurance company should arrange your flights home. They did for us. They insisted on speaking to Rob when he was discharged even though I’m his carer so be prepared for that should it happen. So glad the towns folk have rallied around you as the hotel staff and guests did for me. Take care, all WILL be well.

  3. G’day Bruce, it seems that once things go bad, they get worse very quickly. How awful about Jill’s ulcer and illness. Fortunately it sounds like you’re both in good hands – the hospital and its surgeons have been so on the ball, and the locals so friendly. It’s just amazing that the same USA can also produce arseholes like Trump. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both, and we know all will be well soon.
    Love Gill and Rob.

  4. It seems you are both being looked after by some angels in human skin. xx

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