Now that I have been home from Antarctica for a few days, I have thad some time in which to sort out my photos (2983 of them) and select the best few to show in a public photo gallery. I have created four separate galleries in this post – 1. Ushuaia, 2 Falkland Islands, 3. South Georgia and 4. Antarctica.
I have also gone back and added some other pictures to each of the original posts from my trip. The communication system on the ship was limited to text messages only, so I was unable to include any photos that illustrate this very scenic part of the world. You can see all my original posts from my trip at this location here. If you go back far enough, you will even come across the gallery that I created from photos on my first trip to the Antarctic Peninsular in 2006.
I hope you enjoy looking at some of my favourite scenes from my trip. (Click on any of the thumbnails to see the larger photo. You can then scroll backwards or forwards by clicking on the left, or right hand side of each photo respectively)
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Part One
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Part Two
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These photos are wonderful. I am so glad I can travel with you like this, and not on a rocky boat.
Great photos….but I can’t seem to get passed the number thing below. I’ll see if this one works
Yes…at last
Many of my comments just bounce off during your trip.
The photos are a great record of the trip.
I loved the penguin shots in particular
Glad that your back safe n sound