Month: June 2015

We decided to spend a night away in the city of Bendigo for no other reason than we thought we could get away for a couple of days. Bendigo is approximately 150 kms north-west of Melbourne and is located very close to the geographical centre of Victoria. It now has an urban population of around 83,000 […]
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Happy Birthday to June
Once upon a time, I attended twenty first birthday parties, engagements and baptisms. Today we were guests at a luncheon to celebrate the 80th birthday of our good friend June. Where have all the years in my life gone? June is a dear friend and an avid reader of my blog. So June, here’s a […]
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A Concert by the Glenn Miller Orchestra
Whilst there are a few things that the City of Melbourne could do better, there are some things that we have that are outstanding. One is the National Gallery which is a world class art museum (and the reason why we are fortunate to host so many superb international visiting exhibitions). The other is our […]
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