Day: 18 October 2013

Western Australia’s Strange Clothing Habits?
I was in a local Perth Woolworths supermarket and saw this sign over an aisle pointing to the Family Underwear section. OK, so what does this mean? Do Western Australians share their underwear around? Do dads wear mum’s lacy knickers or do they just have a bin in the hallway where you pick up a […]
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To Perth via Hyden
Over the last two days of our travel we have driven from Kalgoorlie to Perth with an overnight stop in the little town of Hyden, right in the middle of the West Australian Wheat Belt. Not long after leaving Kalgoorlie, we passed through the old gold mining town of Coolgardie. With streets wide enough to […]
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I have been a little delayed with my posts as, like most other on our bus, I have caught a bad cold and I haven’t felt like writing after a day of driving. When you are travelling with others, it very hard for affliction to not be passed on. The distance from Esperance to Kalgoorlie […]
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